Saturday, September 28, 2013

Chico, CA - Last Stop!

Finally, our last stop in Chico, CA to visit cousin Kristi, her husband Todd and 3 boys, Trent, Brendan and Drew. We began our visit by meeting them on their houseboat for a great afternoon on the water along with David, Kelly, Emma and Sheila!
Brendan, Tyler, Brady, Trent, Drew, Sheila, Emma
Kristi and Becky
Dogs are welcome on this houseboat!

Playing a karate game

Tyler being daring and jumping off the top deck!

Hanging out in the pedal boat

Trent and Brady


Thanks Todd for letting us drive!!!!
Boys playing in a local creek
We spent a lot of quality time with the Van Nuys family at their beautiful Chico home. Becky and I were able to help out by watching all 5 boys while Kristi and Todd attended a wedding. We thought we had done a good job with the kids until Kristi checked on the boys upon arriving home at midnight. She found them sound asleep but they had all taken off their pajamas, and were all naked! Apparently they were "too hot". Oops. Don't know if we'll be asked to watch their kids again any time soon.

We left Chico and headed home arriving the following day on Monday, August 12th. After 56 days, 27 states (including Canada) 9,500 miles, over 1,000 gallons of gas (sorry earth) and 14 junior ranger badges, our dream trip came to an end.  We are proud of how well behaved the boys were (though when they weren't, we had to send them to the bathroom for a "time-out!") and really enjoyed watching them bond. There were abundant conversations on the road, front-row experiences with nature, lots of laughs, some tears, excellent visits with family and friends; overall, we not only survived, but came home stronger!!  We had an incredible time creating memories that will last a lifetime preserved by this blog. 


As we arrived back into our home sweet home, California,

 Tyler immediately spotted the beautiful Pacific Ocean
and insisted that we get out and go to the beach. 

I have to admit, it felt darn good to smell that familiar coast air and feel the sand in our toes!
The boys ganged up on Peter...

 ...and won!!

A gang of elk by the ocean! (yes "gang". I looked it up)
After playing on the beach we headed through the northern part of the Redwood National Forest, excited to earn our final Jr. Ranger badge. We arrived after the visitor center closed but this ranger was kind enough to get the badges and present them in the parking lot.

We explored old growth groves, as well as hiked along the Cathedral Trail in Prairie Creek, I was in heaven among my favorite redwood trees!  They really are mystical and breathtaking.

After a day of driving down highway 101, we arrived at the Allard's property, where my family was waiting for us for our annual Redwoods trip. 

Climbing the apple tree with cousins Emma and Sheila, and buddy Lucas.

It's always a special week full of hiking, swimming, campfires and nature!
Sue, Ryan and Laura, Jan, Me, Papa, Grammy, Kelly, David, Lucas, Sheila, Brady, Ali, Ty, Emma and Gucci
on a hike to Richardson's Grove. 
Can't go through it, can't go around it, gotta go under it...
You go, Papa!!


   What is Brady doing? 

Look closely...he caught a snake!!

Ty found a deer jawbone, complete with bicuspids! 

Peter, Sheila and K

Becky and Laura
We celebrated the twins' first birthday! 
Clay and Zula, Danielle and Yvon, "Gigi" presenting their traditional "goo cake"
(angel food with fresh, homemade blackberry frosting! mmmmm.....)
Ty and Zula, Brady and Yvon, sporting their gorgeous panchos made by great-grandma Wanda.
  New Parents, new babies, so sweet.
Rachel and Paisley.
The boys love to help build the fire!


A favorite pastime, picking blackberries!

 Another special week, among our favorite trees, playing in our favorite field, goodbye Redwoods and Allard family...until next year!!