Sunday, July 28, 2013


From the second we arrived in Minnesota we were knee-deep in silly kids!


Our four kids got along great.  We took a break from the RV and stayed in the Pellegrene's guest room at their new lake house in Annandale.  I was so happy to be with my BFF Jaime, but we were also happy to watch our families play.  It was sooo much fun!

Leaving their dock, ready to cruise!

Vinnie cracked us up wearing goggles while he rode!
We spent our days on the pontoon, watching the kids tube...
Vinnie and Brady

Liv and Ty yelling "Faster!  Faster!"

...swimming in the pool...

tough life, cooking healthy meals, and just hanging out.  Pete even got in a 20-mile run (have I mentioned he's running a marathon when we get back?) 

Jaime and Joe are expecting their 3rd baby within the next few weeks.  We wish them all the best with what's to come!!  We certainly wish that they didn't live so far away...

Thanks, Pellegrenes, for the hospitality and memories (and my new mother's necklace)!  We love you!

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