Saturday, August 10, 2013

Cody, WY

Our next destination was Yellowstone National Park. On our way there, about an hour before the park, we stopped in Cody, Wyoming for lunch. We were pleasantly surprised by the charm of this small city.
View from drive as we left the plains and entered the Rocky Mountains. "I expected the Rocky Mountains to be a little rockier than this..."
We headed on a famously scenic 52 mile drive from Cody to Yellowstone...
Shoshone River
Shoshone River

Cowboy's trophy (actually a pile of elk antlers in someone's front yard!)
Old mill (we think...)

Props to Becky for getting this awesome picture of a deer jumping a fence.
...but unfortunately once we arrived to Yellowstone National Park, we were told that all of the campsites were sold out. We were stuck with the dilemma of staying at a local campground near the park or heading all the way back to Cody and maybe trying to attend the nightly rodeo. While it meant backtracking about “1/60th of the way across the country in the wrong direction”, we decided to do it anyway and see our first real rodeo. That turned out to be a great decision and we had a great time. At the end of the night, all of the children were invited to the center of the ring to compete in a "catch the ribbon" competition.  The boys were more than willing to participate.  We watched them, along with 100 other kids, chase 2 calves with ribbons tied to their tails, first 2 kids back with the ribbons won a prize. Unfortunately there were some 12 year olds that had done this before leaving Ty and Brady little chance at actually catching the ribbons.  They were cracking up the entire time.  The rodeo was one of the highlights of our trip!

Star Spangled Banner

Bucking bronco

Kids chasing calf

Cowboy prayer for safety prior to rodeo

The next morning we headed off at 5:00 am to try to secure a campsite at Yellowstone.


 Goodbye Cody, hello Yellowstone!

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